Blog Posts

WordPress – 5 Reasons to Use it!

WordPress is the most popular website platform on the planet. With 60% of the Content Management market share, WordPress runs at least forty percent of all websites on the Internet (500 new every day). Back up there…Content Management you say?...

Mobile marketing pain points – top 5 solved!

It almost pains me (pun intended) to write this mobile marketing post. The reason is so many marketing agencies are struggling with the transition from traditional marketing to mobile marketing. It’s virtually a new world out there as the customer...

Why Content is KING

Content Informs Your Audience Getting your audience is another blog post altogether. But when you have an audience, you need to tell them about your products and services through your content – regularly, which is also another blog post. You...

Chatbot – They Won’t Let You Down!

Chatbots came marching one-by-one, hurrah, hurrah! While chatbots have been around for about 35 years, they’ve been multiplying in droves lately. There’s good reason these intelligent machines are gaining traction, especially in the business world. Business owners want a virtual...

Email Marketing – #1 in Consistent Wins

Email Marketing is as ‘old as the hills’, but its longevity is impressive for a reason – it worked then and it works now. Among the abounding methods of digital marketing, email marketing is the best at connecting you to...

Social Media – Unique Value

We could tell you using social media in today’s business is a MUST. But that’s almost old news. It’s no secret that companies using social media have a leg up on the competition. Why? It’s because it serves as a...

Advertising Cash Cow!

If you are going to be advertising anywhere for anything, you’ll want to start (and almost end) with Facebook Ads. I could start this blog piece with that first sentence and just leave it there, but you already want to...